# REQUIRES GMAKE!!!! # # wgrib2 uses components of varying copyrights and licences. See wgrib2/LICENSE-wgrib2 # # makefile for wgrib2 # # compiles every #@?! library needed by wgrib2 # then tries to compile wgrib2 # # (1) must use gnu-make # (2) the environment veriable CC must be set to the C compiler # (3) the environment variable FC must be set to fortran-90 compiler or # higher in order to compile the optional netcdf, the optional IPOLATES # and fortran API. Not needed if netcdf and IPOLATES and fortran API are not used # # # mod 1/07 M. Schwarb (libgrib2c name change) # mod 4/09 W. Ebisuzaki (use config.h) # mod 6/10 W. Ebisuzaki ipolates # mod 8/11 W. Ebisuzaki support environment variable FC={fortran 90+ compiler} # needed by optional netcdf4 and ipolates # mod 3/12 W. Ebisuzaki support openmp, gctpc # mod 8/12 M. Schwarb gunzip -n -f, cd "$var" # mod 10/12 W. Ebisuzaki # mod 7/13 W. Ebisuzaki added got netcdf4 working again, added subdirectroy lib, bin, include, man # mod 11/14 W. Ebisuzaki added target lib, make callable wgrib2 # mod 05/16 G. Schnee add support for template 5.42 compression using libaec # mod 10/16 W. Ebisuzaki add support for COMP_SYS # mod 10/17 W. Ebisuzaki modifications for vlab # mod 07/20 W. Ebisuzaki modifications for make -j N (alpha) # mod 10/20 W. Ebisuzaki make portable between gmake 3 and 4 (having "echo ..#..") # # Configuration # # OPENMP: OpenMP v3.1 compiler support is required for using OpenMP. # # NETCDF3: link in netcdf3 library to write netcdf3 files # change: USE_NETCDF3=1 and USE_NETCDF4=0 in configuration below # # NETCDF4: link in netcdf4 library to write netcdf3/4 files # change: USE_NETCDF3=0 and USE_NETCDF4=1 in configuration below # need to download netcdf4 and hdf5 libraries and to put into grib2 directory # need fortran90+ compiler (FC) # # IPOLATES: link in IPOLATES library to interpolate to new grids # USE_IPOLATES=0 no ipolates library, no -new_grid # USE_IPOLATES=1 use the grib1 version of ipolates # USE_IPOLATES=3 use the double precision grib2 ipolates (default) # if USE_IPOLATES=3, the fortran compiler needs to have # options to convert reals to double precision and # must not convert double precision to quad precision # gfortran, g95 and intel have it. Otherwise very slow. # # SPECTRAL: spectral interpolation in -new_grid # requires NCEP spectral library and USE_IPOLATES=3 # # MAKE_FTN_API: make wgrib2api which allows fortran code to read/write grib2 # needs fortran2003 or fortran95 with extensions # # MYSQL: link in interface to MySQL to write to mysql database # change: USE_MYSQL=1 in configuration below # need to have mysql installed # may need to modify makefile # # UDF: add commands for user-defined functions and shell commands # change: USE_UDF=1 in configuration below # # REGEX: use regular expression library (POSIX-2), on by default # change: USE_REGEX=0 if REGEX library is not available # (preferred: get gnu source code to REGEX library) # # TIGGE: ability for TIGGE-like variable names, on by default # change: USE_TIGGE=0 to turn off (configuration below) # # USE_PROJ4: the proj4 library is used to confirm that the # gctpc code is working right. # # USE_JASPER: use Jasper library for jpeg2000 compression support # USE_OPENJPEG: use OpenJPEG library for jpeg2000 compression support # # USE_AEC: enable use of the libaec library for packing with GRIB2 template # 5.42 (https://gitlab.dkrz.de/k202009/libaec/) # # USE_G2CLIB: include NCEP's g2clib (mainly for testing purposes) # USE_G2CLIB = 1, g2clib can be used for decoding by -g2clib 1 # requires USE_PNG=1 and USE_JASPER=1 # # DISABLE_TIMEZONE: some machines do not support timezones (TZ). # if your machine does not support TZ, set DISABLE_TIMEZONE=1 # This disables the -unix_time option # # DISABLE_ALARM: some machines do not support alarm(..) # alarm() is in POSIX-1 and IEEE Std 1003.1 # -alarm N, terminates wgrib2 after N seconds which is good for web servers # # MAKE_SHARED_LIB: "make lib" will make both shared and static wgrib2 libraries # The shared library is for use by pywgrib2 (Python). In theory, the shared library # can be used by programs requiring the wgrib2 library. # # USE_NAMES: select table for names of WMO defined variables, can be NCEP, ECMWF, DWD1 (alpha) # # on NCEP AIX # export CC=/usr/vacpp/bin/xlc_r # export CPP=/usr/bin/cpp # export FC=xlf_r # # for AOCC (AMD Optimizing C Compiler, version of clang) # AOCC is free and has new optimizations for zen 2 cpus. # Clang will get these optimizations. The advantages # of AOCC is the packaging of the fortran compiler. # I expect AOCC support will also support default clang/flang # when they become available. (1/2020) # export CC=clang # export FC=flang # # for intel on linux # icc does not compile some libraries, have to use gcc too. # export CC=icc # export FC=ifort # export COMP_SYS=intel_linux # # Portland compilers: not supported # # can uncomment following two lines to use gcc/gfortran #export CC=gcc #export FC=gfortran # # for OS-X: uncomment line for makefile -f scripts/makefile.darwin # SHELL=/bin/sh # SHELL=/bin/ksh # # the flags are stored in wgrib2/config.h # # Warning do not set both USE_NETCDF3 and USE_NETCDF4 to one USE_NETCDF3=1 USE_NETCDF4=0 USE_REGEX=1 USE_TIGGE=1 USE_MYSQL=0 USE_IPOLATES=3 USE_SPECTRAL=1 USE_UDF=0 USE_OPENMP=1 USE_PROJ4=0 USE_WMO_VALIDATION=0 DISABLE_TIMEZONE=0 USE_NAMES=NCEP MAKE_FTN_API=1 DISABLE_ALARM=0 MAKE_SHARED_LIB=0 USE_G2CLIB=0 USE_PNG=1 USE_JASPER=1 USE_OPENJPEG=0 USE_AEC=1 # Add any customization comments, appears in help and config pages BUILD_COMMENTS=stock build # often enviroment variable FC=fortran compiler, is set to f77, needs f95+ compiler cwd:=${CURDIR} lib:=${cwd}/lib tmp:=${cwd}/tmp export TMPDIR=${tmp} wLDFLAGS:=-L${lib} a:=$(shell mkdir -p ${lib}) a:=$(shell mkdir -p ${tmp}) wCPPFLAGS:=${CPPFLAGS} -I${cwd}/include # netcdf4 should be compiled without OpenMP netcdf3CPPFLAGS:=${CPPFLAGS} -I${cwd}/include netcdf4CPPFLAGS:=${CPPFLAGS} -I${cwd}/include hdf5CFLAGS:=${CPPFLAGS} wFFLAGS:=${FFLAGS} FTN_REAL8:="" PIC_option:= USE_ZLIB:=0 a:=$(shell mkdir -p ${lib}) a:=$(shell mkdir -p ${cwd}/include) CONFIG_H=${cwd}/wgrib2/config.h a:=$(shell echo "/* config.h */" > ${CONFIG_H}) CPPFLAGS= FFLAGS= ifeq ($(USE_G2CLIB),1) ifeq ($(USE_PNG),0) $(error ERROR, USE_G2CLIB = 1 requires USE_PNG = 0) endif ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),0) $(error ERROR, USE_G2CLIB = 1 requires USE_JASPER = 0) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_SPECTRAL),1) ifneq ($(USE_IPOLATES),3) $(error ERROR, USE_SPECTRAL = 1 requires USE_IPOLATES = 3) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_NETCDF3),1) ifeq ($(USE_NETCDF4),1) $(error ERROR, USE_NETCDF3 = 1 or USE_NETCDF4 = 1, not both) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),1) ifeq ($(USE_OPENJPEG),1) $(error ERROR, USE_JASPER = 1 or USE_OPENJPEG = 1 for jpeg2000 support, not both) endif endif H:=\# ifeq ($(USE_REGEX),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_REGEX' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_REGEX' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(USE_TIGGE),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_TIGGE' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_TIGGE' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(DISABLE_ALARM),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine DISABLE_ALARM' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine DISABLE_ALARM' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(DISABLE_TIMEZONE),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine DISABLE_TIMEZONE' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine DISABLE_TIMEZONE' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_NAMES ${USE_NAMES}' >> ${CONFIG_H}) need_ftn=0 ifeq ($(MAKE_FTN_API),1) need_ftn=1 endif ifneq ($(USE_IPOLATES),0) need_ftn=1 endif ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) ifeq ($(findstring f77,$(notdir $(FC))),f77) $(error need fortran-95+TR-15581/fortran-2003 compiler, not ${FC}) endif endif ifeq ($(USE_UDF),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_UDF' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_UDF' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(USE_IPOLATES),1) # for HWRF iplib:=${lib}/libipolate_hwrf.a # for HWRF wLDFLAGS+=-lipolate_hwrf ipdir:=${cwd}/iplib.v3.0.0 iplib:=${lib}/libipolate.a wLDFLAGS+=-lipolate else ifeq ($(USE_IPOLATES),3) ipdir:=${cwd}/ip2lib_d iplib=${lib}/libip2_d.a wLDFLAGS+=-lip2_d a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_SPECTRAL '"${USE_SPECTRAL}" > ${ipdir}/config.h) endif ifneq ($(USE_IPOLATES),0) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine IPOLATES_LIB '\"`basename ${ipdir}`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_IPOLATES ${USE_IPOLATES}' >> ${CONFIG_H}) # C compile and load commmands # wCPPFLAGS has the directory of the includes # wLDFLAGS has the directory/name of the library ifeq ($(findstring opencc,$(notdir $(CC))),opencc) wCPPFLAGS+=-O3 -Wall -ffast-math -opencc netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-O3 -Wall -ffast-math -opencc netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-O3 -Wall -ffast-math -opencc hdf5CFLAGS+=-O1 -Wall -opencc endif ifeq ($(findstring xlc_r,$(notdir $(CC))),xlc_r) wCPPFLAGS+=-O3 netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-O2 endif # new method of configure the options # if $COMP_SYS is undefined, identify system ifndef COMP_SYS system=$(shell uname -s) ifeq (${system},Linux) ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(notdir $(CC))),gcc) COMP_SYS=gnu_linux endif ifeq ($(findstring g95,$(notdir $(FC))),g95) COMP_SYS=gnu_linux_g95 endif ifeq ($(findstring clang,$(notdir $(CC))),clang) COMP_SYS=clang_linux endif ifeq ($(findstring icc,$(notdir $(CC))),icc) COMP_SYS=intel_linux endif ifeq ($(findstring nvc,$(notdir $(CC))),nvc) COMP_SYS=nvidia_linux endif endif ifeq ($(findstring CYGWIN,$(system)),CYGWIN) ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(notdir $(CC))),gcc) COMP_SYS=cygwin_win endif endif ifeq ($(findstring BSD,$(system)),BSD) ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(notdir $(CC))),gcc) COMP_SYS=gnu_linux endif endif ifeq (${system},Darwin) ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(notdir $(CC))),gcc) COMP_SYS=gnu_mac endif endif endif CCjasper:=${CC} ifeq (${COMP_SYS},gnu_linux) wCPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -ffast-math -O3 # would like to use following line but jasper 1.900.1.14 will not compile :( # wCPPFLAGS+=-Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=implicit-int netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -O1 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) # not needed any more # GFORTLIBDIR:=$(dir ${shell $(FC) -print-file-name=libgfortran.so}) # ifneq "$(GFORTLIBDIR)" './' # wLDFLAGS+=-L$(GFORTLIBDIR) # endif # GFORTLIBDIR:=$(dir ${shell $(FC) -print-file-name=libgfortran.dylib}) # ifneq "$(GFORTLIBDIR)" './' # wLDFLAGS+=-L$(GFORTLIBDIR) # endif wLDFLAGS+=-lgfortran wCPPFLAGS+=-DGFORTRAN wFFLAGS+=-c -O3 FTN_REAL8:="-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8" FTN_LEGACY:="-std=legacy -Wno-argument-mismatch" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-fopenmp endif ifeq ($(MAKE_SHARED_LIB),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine MAKE_SHARED_LIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) PIC_option:=-fPIC wCPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g wFFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g hdf5CFLAGS+=-fPIC -g MAKE_SHARED_LIB:=gnu_linux endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},cygwin_win) wCPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -ffast-math -O3 # would like to use following line but jasper 1.900.1.14 will not compile :( # # wCPPFLAGS+=-Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=implicit-int netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -O1 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wLDFLAGS+=-lgfortran wCPPFLAGS+=-DGFORTRAN wFFLAGS+=-c -O3 FTN_REAL8:="-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8" FTN_LEGACY:="-std=legacy -Wno-argument-mismatch" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-fopenmp endif ifeq ($(MAKE_SHARED_LIB),1) ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),1) $(error incompatible options: MAKE_SHARED_LIB=1, and USE_JASPER=1) endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENJEPG),1) $(error incompatible options: MAKE_SHARED_LIB=1, and USE_OPENJPEG=1) endif ifeq ($(USE_PNG),1) $(error incompatible options: MAKE_SHARED_LIB=1, and USE_PNG=1) endif a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine MAKE_SHARED_LIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) PIC_option:=-fPIC wCPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g wFFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g hdf5CFLAGS+=-fPIC -g MAKE_SHARED_LIB:=cygwin_win endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},gnu_mac) wCPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -ffast-math -O3 # would like to use following line but jasper 1.900.1.14 will not compile :( # # wCPPFLAGS+=-Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=implicit-int netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -O1 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wLDFLAGS+=-lgfortran wCPPFLAGS+=-DGFORTRAN wFFLAGS+=-c -O3 FTN_REAL8:="-fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8" FTN_LEGACY:="-std=legacy -Wno-argument-mismatch" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-fopenmp endif ifeq ($(MAKE_SHARED_LIB),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine MAKE_SHARED_LIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) PIC_option:=-fPIC wCPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g wFFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g hdf5CFLAGS+=-fPIC -g MAKE_SHARED_LIB:=gnu_mac endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},gnu_linux_g95) wCPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -ffast-math -O3 -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=3 # would like to use following line but jasper 1.900.1.14 will not compile :( # # wCPPFLAGS+=-Werror=implicit-function-declaration -Werror=implicit-int netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -Werror=format-security -O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-Wall -Wmissing-prototypes -Wold-style-definition -O1 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) libf95:=$(shell $(FC) -print-file-name=libf95.a) ifeq "$(libf95)" "" $(error ERROR, g95 missing? $(FC)) endif wLDFLAGS+=-L$(dir ${libf95}) -lf95 wCPPFLAGS+=-DG95 wFFLAGS+=-c -O2 FTN_REAL8:="-r8" endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},clang_linux) wCPPFLAGS+=-O3 -ffast-math -fvectorize # wCPPFLAGS+=-march=znver2 netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-O3 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-O3 hdf5CFLAGS+=-O2 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wCPPFLAGS+=-DFLANG wLDFLAGS+=-lflang -lflangrti -lpgmath wFFLAGS+=-c -O3 -fno-fortran-main -no-flang-libs FTN_REAL8:="-r8" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP" >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-mp endif ifeq ($(MAKE_SHARED_LIB),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine MAKE_SHARED_LIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) PIC_option:=-fPIC wCPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g wFFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g hdf5CFLAGS+=-fPIC -g MAKE_SHARED_LIB:=clang_linux endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},intel_linux) wCPPFLAGS+=-O2 netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-O2 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-O2 hdf5CFLAGS+=-O2 ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),1) CCjasper:=gcc a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine CC_jasper '\"${CCjasper}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wCPPFLAGS+=-DIFORT -cxxlib wLDFLAGS+=-lifcore -lc -limf -lintlc # wFFLAGS+=-c -O2 -nofor_main -cxxlib wFFLAGS+=-c -O2 -nofor_main -cxxlib -heap-arrays 32 FTN_REAL8:="-r8" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-qopenmp wFFLAGS+=-qopenmp endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},nvidia_linux) ifeq ($(USE_AEC),1) $(error ERROR, nvc does not make AEC correctly, USE_AEC=0 in makefile) endif wCPPFLAGS+=-O2 netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-O2 netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-O2 hdf5CFLAGS+=-O2 ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wCPPFLAGS+=-DNVFORTRAN wLDFLAGS+=-fortranlibs wFFLAGS+=-c -O2 FTN_REAL8:="-r8" endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-fopenmp endif ifeq ($(MAKE_SHARED_LIB),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine MAKE_SHARED_LIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) PIC_option:=-fPIC wCPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g wFFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=-fPIC -g hdf5CFLAGS+=-fPIC -g MAKE_SHARED_LIB:=nvidia_linux endif endif ifeq (${COMP_SYS},solaris_studio) wCPPFLAGS+=??? netcdf3CPPFLAGS+=??? netcdf4CPPFLAGS+=??? hdf5CFLAGS+=??? ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) wLDFLAGS+=??? wCPPFLAGS+=-DSOLARIS wFFLAGS+=??? FTN_REAL8:=??? endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-xopenmp wFFLAGS+=-xopenmp endif endif # this is for old style setup .. change to new style when have access to machine ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) ifndef FC $(error ERROR, configuration requires fortran90 compiler which is set by environement variable FC) endif # for open64 fortran - personal system ifeq ($(findstring openf95,$(notdir $(FC))),openf95) wLDFLAGS+=/export/cpc-lw-webisuzak/wd51we/opt/x86_open64-4.5.1/lib/gcc-lib/x86_64-open64-linux/4.5.1/libfortran.a wLDFLAGS+=/export/cpc-lw-webisuzak/wd51we/opt/x86_open64-4.5.1/lib/gcc-lib/x86_64-open64-linux/4.5.1/libffio.a wCPPFLAGS+=-DOPENF95 wFFLAGS+=-O2 FTN_REAL8:="-r8" endif # NCEP CCS: ifeq ($(findstring xlf_r,$(notdir $(FC))),xlf_r) wLDFLAGS+=-L/usr/lib - -lxlf90_r wCPPFLAGS+=-DXLF wFFLAGS+=-O2 FTN_REAL8:="-qrealsize=8" endif ifeq ($(wFFLAGS),"") $(error ERROR, C and fortran pair compiler is not recognized) endif endif # write out compilation flags a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine CPPFLAGS '\"${wCPPFLAGS}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine FFLAGS '\"${wFFLAGS}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) # grib2c library # g2clib is required if USE_G2CLIB, USE_PNG or USE_JASPER # USE_G2CLIB and USE_JASPER implies USE_PNG # g2cdir:=${cwd}/g2clib-1.4.0 ifeq ($(USE_G2CLIB),1) g2clib:=${lib}/libgrib2c.a wLDFLAGS+=-lgrib2c wCPPFLAGS+=-I${g2cdir} a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_G2CLIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_G2CLIB' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # gctpc library gctpcdir:=${cwd}/gctpc gctpcsrc:=gctpc20a.tgz gctpclib:=${lib}/libgeo.a wLDFLAGS+=-lgeo # wCPPFLAGS+=-I${gctpc}/source # proj4 library proj4dir:=${cwd}/proj-4.8.0 ifeq ($(USE_PROJ4),1) proj4src:=${cwd}/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz proj4lib:=${lib}/libproj.a wLDFLAGS+=-lproj # wCPPFLAGS+=-I${proj4dir}/src a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_PROJ4 >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_PROJ4' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # Jasper jasperdir=${cwd}/jasper-1.900.1 ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),1) jsrc=jasper-1.900.1-14ubuntu3.2.debian.tgz jlib=${lib}/libjasper.a wLDFLAGS+=-ljasper wCPPFLAGS+=-I${jasperdir}/src/libjasper/include a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_JASPER' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_JASPER' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # OpenJPEG openjpegdir=${cwd}/openjpeg-2.3.1 ifeq ($(USE_OPENJPEG),1) ojsrc=openjpeg-2.3.1.tar.gz a:=$(shell echo "\#define USE_OPENJPEG" >> ${CONFIG_H}) ojlib:=${lib}/libopenjp2.a wLDFLAGS+=-lopenjp2 endif # AEC aecdir=${cwd}/libaec-1.0.2 ifeq ($(USE_AEC),1) aecsrc=libaec-1.0.2.tar.gz aeclib=${lib}/libaec.a wLDFLAGS+=-laec a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_AEC '\"${aecsrc}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_AEC' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # SPECTRAL (optional used by ip2_d) spectraldir:=sp_v2.0.2_d ifeq ($(USE_SPECTRAL),1) spectrallib:=${lib}/libsp_v2.0.2_d.a wLDFLAGS+=-lsp_v2.0.2_d a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_SPECTRAL 1' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif netcdf3dir:=${cwd}/netcdf-3.6.3 ifeq ($(USE_NETCDF3),1) netcdf3src=netcdf-3.6.3.tar.gz netcdf3lib:=${lib}/libnetcdf.a wLDFLAGS+=-lnetcdf # wCPPFLAGS+=-I$n/libsrc a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_NETCDF3' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_NETCDF3' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # hdf5dir:=${cwd}/hdf5-1.10.6 hdf5dir:=${cwd}/hdf5-1.10.4 netcdf4dir:=${cwd}/netcdf-c-4.7.3 ifeq ($(USE_NETCDF4),1) netcdf4src=netcdf-c-4.7.3.tar.gz netcdf4lib:=${lib}/libnetcdf.a # hdf5src:=hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz hdf5src:=hdf5-1.10.4.tar.gz hdf5lib:=${lib}/libhdf5.a wLDFLAGS+=-lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -ldl # wCPPFLAGS+=-I${netcdf4dir}/include -I${hdf5dir}/src -I${hdf5dir}/hl/src a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_NETCDF4' >> ${CONFIG_H}) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine HDF5 '\"${hdf5src}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_NETCDF4' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(USE_MYSQL),1) wCPPFLAGS+=`mysql_config --cflags` wLDFLAGS+=`mysql_config --libs` a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_MYSQL' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_MYSQL' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # OPENMP .. only select configurations ifeq ($(USE_OPENMP),1) ifeq ($(findstring opencc,$(notdir $(CC))),opencc) ifeq ($(findstring openf95,$(notdir $(FC))),openf95) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-fopenmp wFFLAGS+=-fopenmp endif endif ifeq ($(findstring xlc_r,$(notdir $(CC))),xlc_r) ifeq ($(findstring xlf_r,$(notdir $(FC))),xlf_r) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_OPENMP' >> ${CONFIG_H}) wCPPFLAGS+=-qsmp=omp wFFLAGS+=-qsmp=omp endif endif endif # save fortran and C compiler names in config.h file ifeq ($(findstring gcc,$(notdir $(CC))),gcc) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine CC '\"`${CC} --version | head -n 1`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else ifeq ($(findstring icc,$(notdir $(CC))),icc) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine CC '\"`${CC} --version | head -n 1`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine CC '\"${CC}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif ifeq ($(need_ftn),1) ifeq ($(findstring gfortran,$(notdir $(FC))),gfortran) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine FORTRAN '\"`${FC} --version | head -n 1`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else ifeq ($(findstring ifort,$(notdir $(FC))),ifort) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine FORTRAN '\"`${FC} --version | head -n 1`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else ifeq ($(findstring nvfortran,$(notdir $(FC))),nvfortran) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine FORTRAN '\"`${FC} --version | head -n 2 | tail -n 1`\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine FORTRAN '\"${FC}\" >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif endif a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine BUILD_COMMENTS '"\"${BUILD_COMMENTS}\"" >> ${CONFIG_H}) # png pngdir=${cwd}/libpng-1.2.57 ifeq ($(USE_PNG),1) pngsrc=${cwd}/libpng-1.2.57.tar.gz pnglib=${lib}/libpng.a wLDFLAGS+=-lpng12 a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine USE_PNG' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine USE_PNG' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif # zlib, needed by png, jasper, openjpeg ifeq ($(USE_JASPER),1) USE_ZLIB:=1 endif ifeq ($(USE_OPENJPEG),1) USE_ZLIB:=1 endif ifeq ($(USE_PNG),1) USE_ZLIB:=1 endif zdir=${cwd}/zlib-1.2.11 ifeq ($(USE_ZLIB),1) zsrc=${cwd}/zlib-1.2.11.tar.gz zlib=${lib}/libz.a wLDFLAGS+=-lz endif # WMO Validation testing mode ifeq ($(USE_WMO_VALIDATION),1) a:=$(shell echo '$Hdefine WMO_VALIDATION' >> ${CONFIG_H}) else a:=$(shell echo '//$Hdefine WMO_VALIDATION' >> ${CONFIG_H}) endif wLDFLAGS+=-lm # WNE 4-2020 wCPPFLAGS+=-I/usr/include ${CPPFLAGS} wCPPFLAGS+=${CPPFLAGS} # ----------------------------------------------------- # check if make is GNU make else use gmake make_is_gnu:=$(word 1,$(shell make -v)) ifeq ($(make_is_gnu),GNU) MAKE:=make else MAKE:=gmake endif w=wgrib2 prog=$w/wgrib2 all: ${netcdf4src} ${hdf5src} ${prog} aux_progs/gmerge aux_progs/smallest_grib2 aux_progs/smallest_4 ${prog}: $w/*.c $w/*.h ${jlib} ${aeclib} ${netcdf3lib} ${pnglib} ${hdf5lib} ${g2clib} ${netcdf4lib} ${iplib} ${spectrallib} ${gctpclib} ${proj4lib} ${ojlib} cd "$w" && export LDFLAGS="${wLDFLAGS}" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} fast: $w/*.c $w/*.h ${jlib} ${aeclib} ${netcdf3lib} ${pnglib} ${hdf5lib} ${g2clib} ${netcdf4lib} ${iplib} ${spectrallib} ${gctpclib} ${proj4lib} ${ojlib} cd "$w" && export LDFLAGS="${wLDFLAGS}" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} fast lib: $w/*.c $w/*.h ${jlib} ${aeclib} ${netcdf3lib} ${pnglib} ${hdf5lib} ${g2clib} ${netcdf4lib} ${iplib} ${spectrallib} ${gctpclib} ${proj4lib} ${ojlib} cd "$w" && export LDFLAGS="${wLDFLAGS}" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && export FFLAGS="${wFFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} lib cp wgrib2/libwgrib2.a lib/libwgrib2x.a touch lib/wgrib2api.mod && rm lib/wgrib2api.* ifeq ($(MAKE_FTN_API),1) # compile ftn_api export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && export FFLAGS="${wFFLAGS}" && cd ftn_api && ${MAKE} cp ftn_api/wgrib2api.mod lib/ cp ftn_api/wgrib2lowapi.mod lib/ cp ftn_api/libwgrib2_api.a lib/ endif # make libraries export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && export FFLAGS="${wFFLAGS}" && cd c_api && ${MAKE} cd lib && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && export LDFLAGS="${wLDFLAGS}" && export MAKE_SHARED_LIB="${MAKE_SHARED_LIB}" && ${MAKE} ${jasperdir}: cp ${jsrc} tmpj.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpj.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpj.tar rm tmpj.tar ${jlib}: ${jasperdir} ${zlib} cd ${jasperdir} && export CC=${CCjasper} && export CFLAGS=${PIC_option} && ./configure --without-x --disable-libjpeg --disable-opengl --prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} -j 1 check install ${openjpegdir}: cp ${ojsrc} tmpoj.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpoj.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpoj.tar rm tmpoj.tar ${ojlib}: ${openjpegdir} ${zlib} ${pnglib} cd ${openjpegdir} && touch build && rm -r build && mkdir build cd ${openjpegdir}/build && cmake .. -DZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR=${cwd}/include -DZLIB_LIBRARY=${zlib} -DPNG_LIBRARY=${pnglib} -DPNG_PNG_INCLUDE_DIR=${cwd}/include -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=${CC} -DCMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE=True && make cp ${openjpegdir}/build/bin/libopenjp2.a lib/ cp ${openjpegdir}/src/lib/openjp2/openjpeg.h ${cwd}/include/ cp ${openjpegdir}/src/lib/openjp2/opj_stdint.h ${cwd}/include/ cp ${openjpegdir}/build/src/lib/openjp2/opj_config.h ${cwd}/include ${aecdir}: cp ${aecsrc} tmpaec.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpaec.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpaec.tar rm tmpaec.tar ${aeclib}: ${aecdir} cd "${aecdir}" && export CFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} -j 1 check install ${pngdir}: cp ${pngsrc} tmpp.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpp.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpp.tar rm tmpp.tar ${pnglib}: ${zlib} ${pngdir} # for OSX # export LDFLAGS="-L${lib}" && cd "${pngdir}" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} -f scripts/makefile.darwin # for everybody else # export LDFLAGS="-L${lib}" && cd "${pngdir}" && export CFLAGS="-DPNG_USER_WIDTH_MAX=200000000L -I${cwd}/include" ${PIC_option}" && ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=${cwd} --exec-prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} check install export LDFLAGS="-L${lib}" && cd "${pngdir}" && export CFLAGS="-DPNG_USER_WIDTH_MAX=200000000L -I${cwd}/include ${PIC_option}" && ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=${cwd} --exec-prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} check install ${zdir}: cp ${zsrc} tmpz.tar.gz gunzip -f tmpz.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpz.tar rm tmpz.tar ${zlib}: ${zdir} cd ${zdir} && export CFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ./configure --prefix=${cwd} --static && ${MAKE} install ${g2clib}: ${jlib} ${pnglib} ${zlib} cd "${g2cdir}" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} && cp libgrib2c.a ${lib} ${gctpcdir}/source/makefile.gctpc: cp ${gctpcsrc} tmpgctpc.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpgctpc.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpgctpc.tar rm tmpgctpc.tar cp makefile.gctpc proj.h sominv.c somfor.c ${gctpcdir}/source/ ${gctpclib}: ${gctpcdir}/source/makefile.gctpc cd "${gctpcdir}/source" && export CPPFLAGS="${wCPPFLAGS}" && ${MAKE} -f makefile.gctpc cp ${gctpcdir}/source/libgeo.a ${lib} cp ${gctpcdir}/source/proj.h ${cwd}/include/ ${proj4lib}: cp ${proj4src} tmpproj4.tar.gz gunzip -f tmpproj4.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpproj4.tar rm tmpproj4.tar cd ${proj4dir} && ./configure --disable-shared --prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} -j 1 check install ${netcdf3dir}: cp ${netcdf3src} tmpn.tar.gz gunzip -f tmpn.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpn.tar rm tmpn.tar ${netcdf3lib}: ${netcdf3dir} cd ${netcdf3dir} && export CPPFLAGS="${netcdf3CPPFLAGS}" && ./configure --enable-c-only --prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} -j 1 check install cp ${netcdf3dir}/libsrc/netcdf.h ${cwd}/include ${netcdf4src}: $(error ERROR, get netcdf4 source by "wget ftp://ftp.unidata.ucar.edu/pub/netcdf/netcdf-c-4.7.3.tar.gz" ) ${netcdf4dir}: ${netcdf4src} cp ${netcdf4src} tmpn4.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmpn4.tar.gz tar -xvf tmpn4.tar rm tmpn4.tar ${netcdf4lib}: ${zlib} ${netcdf4dir} ${hdf5lib} cd "${netcdf4dir}" && export CPPFLAGS="${netcdf4CPPFLAGS}" && export LDFLAGS="-L${lib}" && export LIBS="-lhdf5 -ldl" && ./configure --disable-fortran --disable-cxx --disable-dap --enable-netcdf-4 --prefix=${cwd} --disable-shared && ${MAKE} -j 1 install ${hdf5src}: # $(error ERROR, get hdf5 source by "wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.10/hdf5-1.10.6/src/hdf5-1.10.6.tar.gz" ) $(error ERROR, get hdf5 source by "wget https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases/hdf5-1.10/hdf5-1.10.4/src/hdf5-1.10.4.tar.gz" ) ${hdf5dir}: ${hdf5src} cp ${hdf5src} tmph5.tar.gz gunzip -n -f tmph5.tar.gz tar -xvf tmph5.tar rm tmph5.tar ${hdf5lib}: ${hdf5dir} cd "${hdf5dir}" && export CFLAGS="${hdf5CFLAGS}" && export LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" && ./configure --disable-shared --with-zlib=$z --prefix=${cwd} && ${MAKE} -j 1 all check install ${iplib}: cd "${ipdir}" && export FFLAGS="${wFFLAGS}" && export FTN_REAL8=${FTN_REAL8} && ${MAKE} && cp $(notdir ${iplib}) ${iplib} ${spectrallib}: cd "${spectraldir}" && export FFLAGS="${wFFLAGS}" && export FTN_REAL8=${FTN_REAL8} && export FTN_LEGACY=${FTN_LEGACY} && ${MAKE} && cp $(notdir ${spectrallib}) ${spectrallib} aux_progs/gmerge: aux_progs/gmerge.c cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} -f gmerge.make aux_progs/smallest_grib2: aux_progs/smallest_grib2.c cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} -f smallest_grib2.make aux_progs/smallest_4: aux_progs/smallest_4.c cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} -f smallest_4.make clean: cd ${lib} && ${MAKE} clean || true cd ftn_api && ${MAKE} clean || true mkdir -p ${tmp} && rm -r ${tmp} mkdir -p ${cwd}/bin && rm -r ${cwd}/bin mkdir -p ${cwd}/include && rm -r ${cwd}/include mkdir -p ${cwd}/man && rm -r ${cwd}/man mkdir -p ${cwd}/share && rm -r ${cwd}/share mkdir -p ${cwd}/tmp && rm -r ${cwd}/tmp cd $w && ${MAKE} clean || true [ -f ${gctpcdir}/source/makefile.gctpc ] && ( cd ${gctpcdir}/source ; ${MAKE} -f makefile.gctpc clean ) || true [ -f ${zdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${zdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${pngdir}" != "" -a -f ${pngdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${pngdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${jasperdir}" != "" -a -f ${jasperdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${jasperdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${openjpegdir}" != "" -a -f ${openjpegdir}/build/Makefile ] && ( cd ${openjpegdir}/build ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${aecdir}" != "" -a -f ${aecdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${aecdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${g2dir}" != "" -a -f ${g2cdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${g2cdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${ipdir}" != "" -a -f ${ipdir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${ipdir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${proj4dir}" != "" -a -f ${proj4dir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${proj4dir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${netcdf3dir}" != "" -a -f ${netcdf3dir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${netcdf3dir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${netcdf4dir}" != "" -a -f ${netcdf4dir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${netcdf4dir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${hdf5dir}" != "" -a -f ${hdf5dir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${hdf5dir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true [ "${spectraldir}" != "" -a -f ${spectraldir}/Makefile ] && ( cd ${spectraldir} ; ${MAKE} clean ) || true cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} clean -f gmerge.make cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} clean -f smallest_grib2.make cd aux_progs && ${MAKE} clean -f smallest_4.make deep-clean: [ -f ${gctpcdir}/source/makefile.gctpc ] && rm -r ${gctpcdir} || true [ -f ${zdir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${zdir} || true [ -f ${pngdir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${pngdir} || true [ -f ${jasperdir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${jasperdir} || true [ -f ${openjpegdir}/build/Makefile ] && rm -r ${openjpegdir} || true [ -f ${aecdir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${aecdir} || true [ -f ${proj4dir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${proj4dir} || true [ -f ${netcdf3dir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${netcdf3dir} || true [ -f ${netcdf4dir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${netcdf4dir} || true [ -f ${hdf5dir}/Makefile ] && rm -r ${hdf5dir} || true