9/2005, 11/2006, 9/2013, 6/2016, 12/2020 wgrib2's copyrights and licences wgrib2 is comprised of components of varying copyrights and licences. Libraries aec (compression): BSD 2-clause license, DWD gctpc (geolocation): public domain, USGS g2clib (grib): public domain, NCEP/NOAA HDF (used by netcdf4): HDF license iplib (interpolation): public domain, NCEP/NOAA ip2lib (interpolation): gnu, NCEP/NOAA jasper (jpeg2000): IMAGE POWER JPEG-2000 PUBLIC LICENSE libpng: libpng license mysql: used if mysql is installed, see mysql code (not supplied) netcdf: netcdf license, UCAR openjpeg (jpeg2000): BSD 2-clause license, many PROJ.4(geolocation): MIT style licence zlib(compression): zlib license Except for gctpc (public domain), all the above libraries are optional. Of course, you may will loose some functionality. wgrib2 *.c *.h *.sh and documentation The components of wgrib2, the C/Fortran API and wgrib2 library are either in the public domain, covered by the GNU General Public License or covered by the Apache licence v2 (decenc_openjpeg.c). No other licences will be accepted into this archive of wgrib2 modules. (Already have too many licences for the libraries.) Distribution of wgrib2 source/executables needs to be compatible with all applicatable licences. Contributing to wgrib2 Contributions of new files can either be public domain or GNU GPL. If you modify an existing file, please state that your contribution is of the same (gnu or public domain) as the original file. Otherwise it gets messy.